Monday, February 28, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Meet Kiko

You can adopt this cutie at the Humane Society of Etowah County.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Barbie and Ken, together at last...again.

After going on facebook and twitter to woo Barbie, Ken got her back. Barbie and Ken are a couple again. Barbie even changed her facebook status to "In a relationship" today. Congrats, you two.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Intern Lil John

Meet the new intern, Lil John. His name can go two ways: Little John from Robin Hood or Lil Jon the rapper. Like the Robin Hood character, our intern is pretty tall so it's a funny name. Or you can say he's named after the rapper and make him say "Yeah" like we make him do. In this picture we added a little bling so he can be more like the rapper.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Go Packers!

So we had a little bet here on the Morning Mix. Brandon was pulling for the Steelers to win the Super Bowl and I was for the Packers. If the Steelers won, I had to watch the movie of Brandon's choice which was the original TRON from the 80s. If the Packers won, Brandon had to watch my movie. I was originally going to pick the sappiest, girliest movie ever (choices were narrowed down to the Notebook or My Girl) but decided to go with something else. I picked Annie Hall, the movie that beat out Star Wars in 1977 for the Academy Award for Best Picture. I thought since Brandon's such a big Star Wars fan he should have to watch the movie that beat it. As we all know, the Packers won. In honor of the victory, I wore an Annie Hall inspired outfit and borrowed Intern Lil John's cheese head hat. Well....Brandon didn't come in today and I did the show by myself. He can't seem to handle defeat. Had he come in, he would have seen this:

Friday, February 4, 2011

Meet the new Superman

British actor Henry Cavill has been cast to play Superman in the latest film. So far, Henry's big role has been in the HBO show "The Tudors." Some people are saying an American should be cast because it is Superman, not "Smashing Gent." Even if he doesn't do justice to the role, he'll still be a nice thing to look at on the screen.
