Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Even if you read the book, these are some spoilers about the movie and how it is going to play out. So, if you don't want to know, stop reading.

The New Moon Illustrated Companion Book is due out tomorrow, but some sneaky Twi-Hards got their hands on an advanced copy and let some of the deets from the book loose early for your vampire-loving hearts.

First off, most of of you who read the books know that the movie will be adding more "visions" of Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen, something that does not happen in the original story. In these“vision” sequences, Edward will wearing the same outfit he does when he leaves Bella, played by Kristen Stewart, in the woods because that is the last memory she has of him.

One very special visual effect that will be found in the movie is conveying the passage of time in which Bella is depressed. In the book, several chapters are simply the title of months, suggesting that nothing has changed while Bella is in turmoil. In the film the passage of time is represented with Bella sitting in her chair in her room while a camera circles around here and the seasons change outside her window. Also, during the beginning parts of the film K-Stew and R-Patz will be dressing alike, or rather, Bella's wardrobe is linked to Edwards as a sign of her commitment to him. Once he leaves, she doesn’t pay much attention to her appearance.

Finally, one scene not found in the book but added to the move is a scene in which Jacob, played by Taylor Lautner, gives Bella a dreamcatcher to send away her bad dreams. The prop is used to convey some heavy emotions in the movie. On the one had, Edward is annoyed that his rival gives such a personal gift to Bella, while Bella's father Charlie is saddened when it stops working after Edward disappears.

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