Thursday, July 30, 2009

Miley's stalker revealed....
If you have any information on the whereabouts of this man please contact Dave Fitz.


The Los Angeles Police Department is keeping a close eye on teen queen Miley Cyrus after learning of a possibly dangerous stalker. The "Savannah Morning News" reports police arrested a 53-year-old man on Georgia's Tybee Island on June 23rd after he claimed to be engaged to the 16-year-old "Hannah Montana" star. Police charged Mark McLeod, from Appling, Georgia, with obstruction when he made the engagement announcement before a crowd of fans in the area where Cyrus is filming her new movie. Police say McLeod began shouting obscenities and tried to head-butt officers as he was being handcuffed. The suspect has since been released and is due in court on September 1st.

According to TMZ, when Disney learned of the arrest in Georgia, they immediately informed the LAPD to keep an eye out for the star as she lives in the Los Angeles area. The LAPD has not launched an official investigation into the alleged stalking case.

OK, here is what the stalker really looks like...

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