Thursday, December 29, 2011

Most Influential Hair of 2011

Justin Beiber and Emma Watson are said to have the most influential hair of 2011. We're not sure if it's just us, but it looks like they have the same hair.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A True Fan

This is the woman who got the Drake tattoo on her forehead. Thoughts?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Photos with Santa

Lindsey took her puppy, Bogie, to the mall last night to get his photo taken with Santa. Thanks to the Humane Society for partnering up with the mall to make Santa photos with pets easier!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Morning Mix at the Gadsden Mall

We're broadcasting live at the Gadsden Mall!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Meet Drama

This is Drama. She is currently up for adoption at the Humane Society. She's looking for a home before Christmas.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


This is Fletcher. Fletcher is super energetic, sweet, and up for adoption at the Humane Society.

Celebrity Cabbage Patch Kids

Now you can take home celebrity versions of Cabbage Patch Kids. The dolls are to raise awareness on foster children and adoption. This one is the Steven Tyler one.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bogie a.k.a Zing!

This is Lindsey's dog, Bogie, from the Humane Society's Howl-O-Weenie Paw-ty over the weekend. He's dressed as a superhero, code name: Zing!


This is Tilly. She is currently up for adoption at the Humane Society. She's super sweet and adorable.

Baby Hooker to Baby Biker Chick

Remember the little girl from Toddlers and Tiaras that dressed like Julia Roberts when she was a hooker from "Pretty Woman" for a talent competition? This is that little girl on Halloween. She was a biker chick. Do you think her costume is inappropriate or no big deal?

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween with the Morning Mix

Lindsey is a fairy princess and Brandon is a pirate.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mix Kitty

Here's Mix. (Also known as Mojo.) He was in our studio a few weeks ago when he was still a small kitten, but now he's grown a lot. He's up for adoption at the Humane Society!

LeRoy from the X Factor

This is sixty-year-old LeRoy from the X Factor. Yes. 6-0 Do you think he looks his age?

Friday, October 21, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Put a little South on your mouth!

Paula Deen is now selling butter-flavored lip balm with the catch phrase "Put a little South on your mouth!" (This is not a joke.) Thoughts?

Friday, October 14, 2011

Nicki Minaj on Ellen

Too cute!

Julia Roberts is Evil

Check out this newly released photo of Julia Roberts as the Evil Queen in Snow White.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Princess Bride

Check out the cast reunion photo.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Meet Twiggy

Twiggy is currently up for adoption at the Humane Society. She's a really good dog looking for a great home. Make her life better by giving her a warm, loving home.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Since 1998, this guy has been getting plastic surgery to look like Superman. Here's a before and after shot of him.

Who is this pop diva?

This famous lady was in disguise at a haunted house over the weekend dressed like this, and nobody knew who it was. Give up? It's Katy Perry.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Robert Pattinson is Sexy

For the third year in a row, Robert Pattinson has been voted the sexiest man by readers of Glamour. Who would have gotten your vote?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Meet Dakota

Dakota is up for adoption at the Humane Society. He's eight-months-old and very calm.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Toddlers & Tiaras- Funny or Die Edition

Check out this Funny or Die video featuring Ashley Tisdale making fun of Toddlers & Tiaras.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Meet Tilly

Here's Lindsey with Tilly. Tilly is currently up for adoption at the Humane Society. She's super calm and sweet.

Justin Bieber is a Pixie

Seriously. We have proof. This is a magazine cover that Lindsey spotted while out shopping. If he wasn't a Pixie, then why did they put his head so close to the title?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Nicki Minaj Wears Chicken

Check out this necklace Nicki Minaj was recently seen wearing. It's a chicken wing.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Extreme Musical Chairs

A new show is coming to television: Extreme Musical Chairs. It's adults playing that classic children's game, but it's supposed to be extreme. Will you watch it?

Old Spice Guy Parody by Puss In Boots

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Situation's Acting Debut

So The Situation is debuting his acting skills in an upcoming show called "New Stage" on The show is about a singing competition, and The Situation plays a famous judge. Just based on these 13 seconds, how horrible do you think it will be?

Justin and Selena Adopt Six Kids!

Well, just for a photo shoot. But seriously, we think this is what the future will hold.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Pumpkin in a Pear Tree

Looks like the pumpkin is growing in the tree, right? A nearby garden vine climbed the tree making it look like the pumpkin sprouted from the tree. Weird, huh?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Nicolas Cage is an Immortal Vampire

This picture of a man from 1870 looks just like Nicolas Cage. Crazy, right? It's for sale on ebay. But here's what the seller has to say about it:

"Original c.1870 carte de visite showing a man who looks exactly like
Nick Cage. Personally, I believe it's him and that he is some sort of
walking undead / vampire, et cetera, who quickens / reinvents
himself once every 75 years or so. 150 years from now, he might
be a politician, the leader of a cult, or a talk show host.

This is not a trick photo, it's an original photograph of a man who
lived in Bristol, TN sometime around the Civil War.

Photographer is Professor G.B. Smith. A contact of mine forwarded
this interesting article (link) about the photographer, Smith. Turns
out he was a confederate Civil War prisoner of war photographer.

Guaranteed to be an original 1860s-70s photograph and not
a modern reproduction, copy or photo manipulation."

Ke$ha and Alice Cooper

That's Ke$ha wearing an Alice Cooper mask. Kinda creepy...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

World's Longest Fingernails

Chris "The Dutchess" Walton has the world's longest fingernails- nearly 20 ft on both hands.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Is that a tattoo, Selena?

Selena Gomez was seen sporting what looks like a tattoo on her wrist that says "Justin." What do you think? Is it real or drawn on with a Sharpie?

World's Hairiest Man

This is Yu Zhenhuan. He has just been named the World's Hairiest Man and has landed a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records. His new fame has gotten him a lot of attention from the ladies.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Home Improvement Reunion

Here's an official photo of the cast from Home Improvement! Look how different the boys look.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Toddlers and Tiaras

On a recent episode of Toddlers and Tiaras, one little girl was dressed as Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman... when she was a prostitute. Here's the clip.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Meet Latte

Latte is currently up for adoption at the Humane Society!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Nicki Minaj

We're not sure what all she wore to the VMAs.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Earthquake Tattoo

A guy in Brooklyn got this tattoo after the earthquake earlier this week. Would you get this tattoo?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Meet Carson

Carson is up for adoption at the Humane Society of Etowah County on Brooke Ave in Gadsden.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Party Rock Anthem

This is Brandon's artistic interpretation of LMFAO's "Party Rock Anthem." Enjoy.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Napoleon Dynamite: The Animated Series

Check out the trailer for the animated series expected to hit the waves next year.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hugh Hefner Planking

But when he planks, is it considered planking or a nap?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Kitler: The Hitler Cat

It looks like Hitler. Even down to the little mustache, hair style, and the crazy look in his eye.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lord Voldemort is a baby doll

And you thought Chucky was creepy. This makes Chucky look like a Cabbage Patch Kid.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Harry Potter's Alternate Ending

According to Author Gregory Palast:

Some of you may recall that, years ago, when I lived in England, writing for The Guardian, when I shared the bestseller list with Jo Rowling (she at the pinnacle, me in the valley), we became buds through my twins’ love for her astonishing work.

But Jo knows that I found the conclusion of her series a sorry let-down, a second-rate “Show Down at the OK Corral” for Wizards. In my opinion (and she does not at all agree), Jo was too distracted by a concern for how the ending would play on film.

I bugged her about it until she told me the “other” endings. Every author has them – and we all look over our old drafts, after publication, and say, “Damn! I should have used that version” – then we lock it away before someone sees it and agrees.

No, Jo wouldn’t show me typed copies, but she told me a couple of “I could have done this” endings.

One of them knocked me over, and I have to share it. (Sorry Jo, that’s the danger of befriending an investigative reporter – if you forget to use the magical words, “This is off the record.”) I can understand, though, why she would put aside this quieter, yet far more harrowing, conclusion.

I wrote it down that night in October 2007. I don’t claim that this is exactly word-for-word as she told it to me (Jo: please edit!) and I left out all the side stuff about me telling my oblivious kids, “You really should listen to this; years from now you’ll want to say you heard this,” and the minor mishap with my coffee.

But I just have to put it out here and hope that Jo and her publisher don’t slam me with an Avada Kedavra curse.

I’ll assume you’ve read the books – and if you haven’t, for shame! – so I won’t introduce this at all except to say that this alternative (and quite troubling) ending veers away from the printed and film versions just before Harry’s final confrontation with The Dark Lord, Voldemort.

And please: If you want to say that I didn’t get her voice and story details exactly, keep in mind that I’m working from mental notes – and that I’m no J.K. Rowling. But then, no one is.

To the Forbidden Forest

Harry marched toward the field where Voldemort waited with his pack of Dementors. Harry’s scar burned brutally, saving him the pain of thinking too deeply about his decision, likely to bring him nothing but death.

What special evil, what deadly and devious spell had the Dark Lord prepared for Harry’s destruction? Voldemort had hunted after Harry for more than a decade; doubtless Voldemort would arm himself with a special curse far more powerful and final than the Avada Kedavra which had failed to kill Harry as a child.

Harry was terribly right. The Dark Lord, in his clearing in the Forbidden Forest, was preparing a charm as devastating as Harry feared, and far more horrific. As Harry marched to this fated meeting, Voldemort passed his wand among the icy Dementors, commanding each to lay their Kiss upon it.

Voldemort, in those pained, lonely nights of his exile and recovery, had conceived of a way to hurl a Dementor’s kiss from his wand, the kiss that would take away the soul of its victim forever. And now he would blast Harry with hundreds of them. Voldemort’s reward would be greater than watching Harry’s burial. He would have Harry frozen in place, Harry’s living being encased for eternity at the moment of Harry’s ultimate humiliation and defeat, a terrifying monument to Voldemort’s victory for all to see for all time. Voldemort’s joy rose with every Dementor’s kiss to his wand.

Harry could feel their grave-like cold as he approached and the pull of their despair. It was hopeless, and he was helpless in the face of it. And he knew it.

But then, Harry felt the presence of a young man and woman, though he could not see them. These two ghosts lovingly held his body up and raised his spirit. It was, he was certain, the last remaining life-force of his parents, making one last sacrifice by joining him on his final journey. He allowed himself a moment of peaceful happiness, feeling them so close.

Then he stopped. Harry shivered with a deep chill of recognition. They were not his parents. They were Voldemort’s: the young Tom Riddle and his bride who, for this occasion, had taken back her beautiful maid’s countenance. They said, using no words, “Our dearest son, we will not allow you to be harmed.”

Were their words for him? Or for Voldemort? Somehow, it didn’t seem to matter – they seemed so kind when he needed nothing more at this moment than a parent’s love.

Harry, and the two warm spirits becoming more visible, approached the edge of the swirling crowd of Voldemort’s followers, who parted, preparing to give the victim an easy corridor to his doom.

Voldemort’s wand had returned to his white, skeletal hand. The Dark Lord pointed it confidently to where Harry would surely emerge from the crowd, not yet to destroy Potter but to hold him while he prepared to give Harry an oration on the eternal punishment about to strike him.

Voldemort laughed when Harry stumbled through. But when the Dark Lord saw the specters of his parents, he howled as if cut in half. With his furious heart in flames, Voldemort immediately unleashed the deadly Kisses, bellowing, “Oppugno Mortimbessios!” And all the vile terrors of the Dementors, in an unstoppable flash from his wand, rushed toward Harry and the spirits at his side.

It was only a hundredth of a second for Voldemort’s curse to reach Harry. But somehow the world seemed to slow down, the Earth ceased to rotate; all on the planet held still, though Harry was aware he was free to move. Harry had planned every shield charm for his defense, but all now were clearly useless. Harry found himself unable to do more than calmly bend to one knee and bow his head, preparing to accept the force of the blow and his death and end.

As he kneeled, in that quiet moment outside time, the two shadows flew from him toward Voldemort. And Voldemort changed. The Dementors’ chill wind, and Time, moved backward; and there was Voldemort, growing to his younger, more potent, frightening self.

The curse struck Harry’s scar, obliterating it, then, in a loud roar, he felt the crushing pain of his skull opening, and then the shrieking curse rushing from his head – back toward the wand that sent it.

As the curse turned back toward him, Voldemort continued to grow younger still, until he was a little child again with his mother and father at his side. When they realized the full force of Voldemort’s own spell was about to strike him, his parents put their reassuring arms around their son to protect him from this ultimate blow.

And then it struck. And now the three entwined souls, Tom Riddle, his wife and young child, would remain forever entombed in that one moment, never able to leave.

And never wanting to.

Hogwarts AD 2130

The headmaster, his stringy white beard uncombed and his wrinkled, bald head topped by a drooping wizard’s cap, looked with wistful gratitude at the empty picture frame he’d convinced the Ministry to put up, despite their reluctance. He knew he’d soon be residing in that little square etched with the name, “Harry Potter,” separated from Albus Dumbledore’s only by the portraits of Headmistresses McGonagall and Chang.

The old wizard could hear below the school abuzz with preparations for his 150th birthday. He shifted Ginny, a bird of paradise, to a perch nearer his desk. His wife, rather than grow old, had turned herself into this beautiful bird, but still insisted on giving un-birdlike advice. “Harry, dearest, you can’t miss your own birthday party. And it’s so lovely outside.”

Indeed, the summer day had brought out scores of picnickers who had come to set their baskets and blankets out near the warm light cast by the living statue of the happy family with the little child. No one but the old headmaster knew who was encased in that glowing sphere. When the Dementors were released from the spell of Voldemort, they, and indeed every wizard excepting Harry and the shade of Albus, were cleansed of all memory of the Dark Lord. Now, after more than a century, curiosity about the family in the statue had long ago ceased. Harry had simply ordered a plaque placed there. It said only, “Riddles.”

“I will go,” he told his feathered wife, “but I have to keep an eye on the boy for a bit.” Harry’s great, great grandson, not yet able to walk, silently played on the rug with his chocolate frog. Then suddenly, in inexplicable anger, little Tom crushed the candy animal. Harry watched this, and knew the whole world would soon darken again for generations to come.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Harry Potter- A Look Back

If you haven't seen them at all or haven't seen 'em in a while - here's 5 minutes that will get you caught up and ready to go for the end of Harry Potter.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ugliest Dog in the World

Meet Yoda, the Ugliest Dog in the World. Yoda won the title on Friday, June 24 in California. Yoda is a Chinese Crested and Chihuahua mix, and won $1,000 for being so ugly.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Japanese Pop Idol isn't human. Creepy!

She was the latest addition to a Japanese girl group called AKB48. But then it confused fans when this commercial came on during a program about the girls, showing the girl was fake. Creepy!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Marilyn's Famous Dress

This famous dress went for 4.6 million on auction. It had 1 million in fees to go with it, bringing the total to 5.6 million dollars.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Weird Al's Perform This Way

The latest parody song from Weird Al, "Perform This Way." It's a take on Lady Gaga's "Born This Way," and we love it.

Whatcha lookin' at, Biebs?

Monday, June 20, 2011