Monday, September 21, 2009

Beyonce, always a class act

This is some powerful stuff!

At a concert in Sydney this weekend, Beyonce picked a very special girl from the audience to come on stage with her as she sang the touching power ballad Halo.
Chelsea is suffering from Leukemia and the lyrics to the song took on a much deeper poignance as Beyonce sang them.
There was not a dry eye in the house!
Watch the very very very touching moment that has left us sobbing and teary-eyed mess (above).

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Robert Pattinson may need to have a little chat with Jack Huston.

Eclipse's superhot newbie isn't anticipating having to face screaming fanggirls clawing, pushing, shoving and biting for his attention.

The actor plays Royce King II, the good-on-paper fiancé to Nikki Reed's Rosalie Cullen, in a flashback sequence.

"I don't think I will [face the madness] because of my part," he told E! News at the G-Star Raw fashion show. "I'm actually kind of a nasty guy. I'm her fiancé who ends up basically trying to rape her. It's rather horrible."

There's a chance we may never have met Royce and the small but meaty part may not have even existed were it not for David Slade taking a meeting with Huston.

"I went in to the director and he very sweetly wrote this part up for me," the actor admits. "It was kind of a nice compliment from him."

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Think you're a big fan of New Moon?


Until you carve the faces of Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson into 24 acres of your farm, you've got a very long way to go.

That's exactly what the owners of Black Island Farms in Syracuse, Utah have done, as they've created a maze through these actor's maize mugs that will be open to the public from September 24 through October 31.

Unless you're Kristen Stewart, this adventure is likely the closest you'll ever get to the beautiful Brit.
What do you think of this corn field? Cool? Or totally and utterly ridiculous?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rob and Kristen Engaged?!?

In the latest issue of OK Magazine, this celebrity gossip rag boldly states that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are engaged. But, like any credit card or mortgage application, one must read the fine print.

The sub-headline states that Rob proposed to Kristen on set, which is true... in the movie they're filming! As any Twilight Saga fan knows, Edward and Bella agree to marry in Eclipse.

Inside the issue, sources don't say a word about any engagement between Pattinson and Stewart, though insiders do confirm the couple crashes together in Rob’s suite at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre and is very cute in between takes.

“If Kristen is looking for Rob, she’ll say, ‘Has anyone seen my husband?’’’ said a source. “And Rob loves to say, ‘Have you met my lovely wife, Kristen?’ It’s cute. They’re like a couple of love-struck teenagers.”