Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mascot Fight!

We talked about this mascot fight on the air this morning, so here's the video!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Flea Market Montgomery!

So Kristen and I have both been laughing at this one for a good while. This commercial is from a Flea Market in Montgomery, AL. B-E-A-utiful! -Brandon Murray

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rihanna's New Gun Tattoo

You would think that Rihanna would be the last person promoting violence....but this seems to be the case. The popstar just added a handgun to her collection of body art. She originally wanted two, one on each of her guns, but opted for a more hidden version due to her CoverGirl contract. Check out the full story here:




I'm curious why every time there is any kind of weather other than sunny skies everyone calls in to ask if the schools are going to be delayed.... whyyyy? LOL.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Oh Look! We have a blog!

So now we have to actually say something worth reading right? Well.. I submit for your approval one of the emails I get from Kristen each week. It's called a LOLCat. I'm the one guilty for getting her addicted to these. So enjoy the wonderful LOLCat.

-Brandon "Mojo" Murray